.. hep_ml documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jul 22 20:45:24 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. hep_ml documentation ==================== **hep_ml** is machine learning library filled with methods used in high energy physics. Classifiers and transformers from **hep_ml** are **sklearn**-compatible. .. raw:: html
Installation ____________ To install **hep_ml**, use **pip**. Type in terminal: .. code:: bash pip install hep_ml Installation for developers ___________________________ After cloning repository type in bash: .. code:: bash cd hep_ml pip install -e . -r requirements.txt Contents: _________ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 self gb losses uboost metrics nnet preprocessing reweight speedup splot notebooks Links _____ - `documentation `__ - `notebook examples `__ - `repository `__ - `issue tracker `__ Related projects ________________ Libraries you'll require to make your life easier. - `IPython Notebook `__ — web-shell for python - `scikit-learn `__ — general-purpose library for machine learning in python - `REP `__ — python wrappers around different machine learning libraries (including TMVA) + goodies, required to plot learning curves reports after classification - `numpy `__ — 'MATLAB in python', vector operation in python. Use it you need to perform any number crunching. - `theano `__ — optimized vector analytical math engine in python - `ROOT `__ — main data format in high energy physics - `root\_numpy `__ — python library to deal with ROOT files (without pain)